Dalvik Park Sports Pavilion
Client: City Of Wanneroo
Architect: Lee Syminton Architects
Location: Merriwa
Building Size: 490m2
Completed: March 2022


Dalvik Park Sports Pavilion Details
BE Projects worked with the City of Wanneroo and Syminton Architects to bring to life this interesting project.
Complete with custom brick motives externally the use of the building fabric as the percentage for art has really come to life on this building.
The building provides a kiosk, storage area, public toilets and changeroom facilities and storage for sporting clubs and individuals who use the reserve. A large public carpark was also part of the scope of works.
Among the project's highlights, the acoustic ceiling tile in the public hall was polished to a high standard, in contrast to the Patterned Brickwork as well as the flower art motive as well as custom metalwork screens throughout the exterior and interior of the project.
Project Details:
Feature Patterned and glazed brickwork.
Multiple amenities
Complex carpark and civil works package
Commercial kitchen
Working on an active site with the general public using the space every morning & Evening