Kalamunda Districts Hockey Club
Client: City Of Kalamunda
Architect: Olk & Associates
Images: BE Projects
Location: Forrestfield
Building Size: 1500m2
Completed: July 2020


Kalamunda Districts Hockey Club Details
Working for the City of Kalamunda with OLK & Associates to construct the new development of a Hockey Club and sports pavilion at Hartfield Park.
The building consists of four large change rooms with different colour doors including showers and toilets, umpires and first aid room, general and universal amenities, office, bar, commercial kitchen with servery, store room and cool room, large public hall area that overlooks the playing fields. There is also an outdoor seating and viewing area under the main building roof.
A complex plumbing package on this project included a massive total of 21 toilets and 10 showers and 23 sinks. This also included a sewer pump station that is able to flow against the gradient.
Project highlights included; Contrast of the render and brick, acoustic ceiling tile in the public hall was finished to a high standard,
large expansive viewing platform elevated to provide views of the oval.
The sports pavilion reached practical completion 4 weeks ahead of contractual PC.