Redcliffe Primary School
Client: Department of Building Management & Works
Architect: Paterson Architects
Images: BE Projects
Location: Redcliffe
Building Size: 389m2
Completed: December 2012


Redcliffe Primary School: New Administration & Amenities Upgrade
The project involved staged temporary relocation of the schools main administration to facilitate the works, all whilst the school was in use.
The project comprised of 389m2 of new Administration Block including the following workspaces; Foyer and reception, Interview room, Duplication room, 3 offices, medical room, conference room, staff and ambulant amenities, secure fire rated store, and communication room.
The Redcliffe Primary School Administration and Amenities upgrade, demonstrated BE Projects energy and ability and quality as builder. The modern, contemporary upgrade to the existing building was delivered 6 weeks ahead of the contracted time-frame. Project Management and coordination of our staged approach delivered the building with minimal disruption to the schools day-to-day administration.
The existing building housed all of the major lead-in services for the school, including Power, Telstra (optic & cable), water, gas, security & PA. We were able to construct the new facility whilst maintain these services and then carefully coordinating the integration of these to the new works.