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OCT 2016 E:News

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BE PROJECTS NEWS BE Projects hard work has been recently recognised again with the Mt Lawley Triangle Residence. Making a joint appearance with Robeson Architects on the TV show, Real Estate TV, where they spoke about all things construction. Thank you to Midland Brick who selected BE Projects to appear on the reality TV Show as promotion of their product. You can view it here: BE Projects A month after appearing on TV BE Projects made it as a feature article in the Western Australian Home Design and Living Magazine. The article highlights and emphasis' the importance of building homes and other forms of construction not only for aesthetic appeal, but building sustainable. To read the full article get your hands on a copy of Issue 9!

Regards, Troy King


Client: City of Swan Recently completed multi surface courts in Ellenbrook included civil works, the retractable basketball rings and the playing surface. The development of the multi-purpose courts ran very smoothly, a big thank you to two quality trades whose efforts really stood out, KTB Contractors and Sports Surfaces. With the Spring weather starting to warm up, the client and stakeholders are eager to enjoy using the facilities.

PERTH CITY PARK CARAVAN Architect: Collaborative Design This project consisted of 12 female showers and toilets with 12 male showers and toilets, including large vanity areas and laundry. This ablutions block is an addition to the caravan park that is due to re-open in the coming months. Acting as Contracts Administrator and Site Supervisor, BE’s newest member Jordan who ensured a timely solution for the client.

PERTH WALDORF SCHOOL – SCIENCE & ARTS ADDITION Architect: Collaborative Design Client: Perth Waldorf School Always a privilege to be able to work with a returning client, another quality build was produced at the Perth Waldorf School. The unique project consisted of a face lift of two ground floor rammed earth buildings, including the removal of the roof to add a second storey which included a 3 classrooms, teachers office and universal access toilet and lift facilities. The works also included an extension of the arts and crafts block.

EMRC WASTE FACILITY Client: Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council Standing at 60m x 40m x 11m high this enormous shed will act as a Waste Sorting Facility. The build consisted of 250mm thick concrete floor, 610UB Portal frames supporting the metal clad roof and walls. We also worked closely with Western Power to upgrade the power to site, coordinating the installation of a new site main switchboard and transformer.

CURRENT PROJECTS ST. AUGUSTINE’S CHURCH Architect: Gary Batt Associates Architects It’s all systems go at the Church redevelopment as PC is hot on our tail. Handover and additional scope items are in motion which will then be followed by a final clean. MAYLANDS APARTMENTS Architect: Mark Anthony Design Site is very bust this month since achieving full lock up at the Maylands Apartments. The first floor fit offs and tiling have been recently completed. Painting is continuing this week as we near the important certificate of construction compliance milestone.

ONSLOW RESIDENCE Architect: Robeson Architects The hype at Onslow Residence is building to see if the partnership between BE and Robeson Architects will present another award winning home. Roof cover is now complete, electrical and hydraulic services are continuing with their works and installation of the external skyon linear cladding is well underway. GOLDEN BAY SPORTS PAVILION Architect: SITE Architecture Studio Client: City of Rockingham No time is being wasted at Golden Bay as the pavilion really starts to take shape achieving lock up with window installation complete. The extension is following the same momentum as the pavilion, roof and duct works have been successfully completed.

SINGLETON SPORTS & COMMUNITY CENTRE Architect: SITE Architecture Studio Client: City of Rockingham Finally gathering some pace at Singleton brickwork has been completed with roof structure now achieved. Windows have been measured and render works are continuing at high level. GOOSEBERRY HILL ADMIN UPGRADE Architect: Zuideveld Marchant Hur Pleased to be given the chance to work at Gooseberry Hill Primary School again and delighted with the support offered not only by the school but the community also. Exciting times are now ahead for the project with slab down and steel up, bricklayers are almost complete with the feature glazed brick partition wall remaining. DALKEITH RESIDENCE Architect: Gary Batt & Associates Architects Working with Architect Gary Batt & Associates, the BE team have completed the demolition works are complete, steel columns and roof carpentry is ready for the roof cladding to be installed.


In August Troy participated in the Perth to Busselton Charity Bike Ride to help raise funds for the WA kids in need. Thank you to the BE Staff who helped organise and run these barbeques you efforts are to be commended. We would also like to thank all of those who dipped into their pockets and donated, your generosity and good will is much appreciated. A total of $21,389 was raised by the small and dedicate group of riding enthusiasts.


Sunday 25th September, BE held a Footy Tipping Windup for those who participated in the BE Projects Footy Tipping Competition at the WAFL Grand Final. Open box seats, cold drinks in hand and watching two great teams fight for a win was a Sunday well spent. Although Troy's Lions couldn't get the job done against the Peel (Dockers) line up. Congratulations to the following people who finished in prize winning places in the 2016 footy tips;

1st - Kevin Hort from KTB Contractors

2nd - Brad Nicholas from SB Concrete 2nd Last - Lynda Beard from BE Projects


Master Builders WA will be hosting the annual Apprentice of the Year Awards on Friday the 4th of November at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre. The night will acknowledge and recognise the dedication and hard work of apprentices working throughout Western Australia. For more information about the event see the Master Builders WA website.


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